Our Troll-tastic Troll Party packages can include a range of Exciting activities from the following and are designed to make your next party Jame Packed with Trolls Party Fun and Sparkle
- Professional Trolls Party and Princess Poppy Children’s Entertainers:
- Professional Trolls Costume
- Face Painting (Or Crazy Coloured Hair Spray) and Balloon Animals
- Fun and Exciting Trolls Party Music form the Trolls Movie
- Party prizes and exciting gifts
- Rainbow Rug For Awesome storytelling and Character Introductions
- Pass the Poppy Parcle
- Parachute sparkle ball: Keep the balls in the air using our awesome Rainbow parachute
- Rainbow Limbo, Sack race, Obstacle Courses, Tug O War and all you favourite Trolls party games
- Tailor-made activities to suit every party them and Event
- And Lots More Trolls Party Fun
Looking for the Ultimate Trolls Party Experience? Then Contact Sydney’s Leading Princess Poppy Party entertainers today for non-stop, Party Fun